60th International Congress on Medieval Studies
When |
May 08, 2025 08:00 AM
May 10, 2025 05:05 PM |
Where | Western Michigan University |
Contact Name | International Congress on Medieval Studies |
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Sessions Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by the IMSSS
Session 26, Thursday, May 8, 10:00 am, Sangren Hall 4510
Medieval Franciscan Preaching
Sponsors: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society; Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure Univ.
Presider: Jessalynn L. Bird, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame
Organizer: Jessalynn L. Bird, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame; Steven J. McMichael, Univ. of St. Thomas, Minnesota
“See my hands and my feet”: The Stigmata of Francis in the Preaching of Bernardino da Siena
Steven J. McMichael, Univ. of St. Thomas, Minnesota
“The diabolical partisan is the exterminator of all justice”: Saint Bernardino and Giacomo of the Marches on Factionalism
Noah Cole, Florida State Univ.
Johannes Sintram’s Use of St. Bonaventure’s Itinerarium mentis ad Deum in a Sermon Notebook
Kimberly Rivers, Univ. of Wisconsin–Oshkosh
Female Concerns in Medieval Franciscan Preaching: Pregnancy and Child Loss in Miroir des bonnes femmes
Anna Schetnikova, Univ. of Maryland–College Park
Thursday, May 8, 12:00–1:30 pm, Student Center 2122
International Medieval Sermon Studies
Business Meeting (Open)
Session 50, Thursday, May 8, 1:30 pm, Sangren Hall 1710 (hybrid)
Medieval Sermon Studies
Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Presider: Andrew Reeves, Middle Georgia State Univ.
Organizer: Andrew Reeves, Middle Georgia State Univ. Jessalynn L. Bird, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame
Italian Mendicant Sermons on the Cleansing of the Temple: An Opportunity for an Economical Discourse?
Aléssio Alonso Alves, Univ. de São Paulo
Le prédicateur comme commentateur politique: les sermons d’Eudes de Châteauroux sur la conquête de l’Italie par Charles d’Anjou (1267–1268)
Alexis Charansonnet, Univ. Lumière-Lyon 2
Mendicants, Memory, and the Margins of Devotional Manuscripts
Elena Lichmanova, Univ. of Oxford
Session 333, Saturday, May 10, 10:00 am, Sangren Hall 4510
Peter Lombard: University Master, Biblical Exegete, and Preacher
Sponsors: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society; Society for the Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages (SSBMA)
Presider: Frans van Liere, Calvin Univ.
Organizer: Frans van Liere, Calvin Univ. Jessalynn L. Bird, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame
The Gloss, Peter Lombard, and Rusch
Mark Zier, Independent Scholar
Peter Lombard and the Preaching of Redemption
C. Matthew Phillips, Concordia Univ. Nebraska
From Lectio to Predicatio: Jerusalem in Distinction Collections and Church Dedication Sermons
Jessalynn L. Bird, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame