Membership and Subscriptions

Membership in the IMSSS includes a subscription to the journal Medieval Sermon Studies.  Subscriptions must be prepaid at the rate appropriate to the status and location of the subscriber. 

Individual Subscriptions

To check the final year of your current subscription, please see the year printed on the address label on the envelope containing the journal.

The International Medieval Sermon Studies Society continues to handle individual subscriptions. Subscription rates for Regular and Student members include membership of the Society and receipt of Medieval Sermon Studies.

Rates are as follows:

Those wishing to pay in US Dollars


  • Regular membership, 1 year: $35
  • Regular membership, 2 year: $65


  • Student membership, 1 year: $25
  • Student membership, 2 year: $45

Those wishing to pay in EUROS


  • Regular membership, 1 year: €27,50
  • Regular membership, 2 year: €50


  • Student membership, 1 year: €20
  • Student membership, 2 year: €37

How to Pay (PayPal or Debit/Credit Card)

We are in the process of changing how we receive subscription payments. This is a temporary solution, and we hope to provide a simpler method soon. 

Please use the following link to pay via PayPal account, debit card, or credit card:

How to Pay (Bank Transfer)

For European countries within the SEPA system, you can pay in euros only via bank transfer:

Account holder: PIETRO DELCORNO
Account number: 000421427753
IBAN: IT38L0200802481000421427753

Secretary Contact

Andrew Reeves
Department of History and Political Science

Office 24, Wiggs Hall, Cochran Campus
Middle Georgia State University

E-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer Contact

Pietro Delcorno 
Dipartimento Storia Culture e Società
Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2
40124 Bologna, Italy

Email: [email protected]

Back issues
: only the previous two back issues from the current number are available and may be purchased  via the Secretary or Treasurer.

Institutional Subscriptions

Taylor & Francis handles all institutional subscriptions. Please see:


Your donations help the society provide bursaries for graduate students who wish to attend our symposia. You can make a one-time donation or you can make it a recurring, monthly donation in any amount you wish. Donations to the Society are not tax deductible.  Thank you!

Donate in US Dollars

Donate in Euros