39th International Congress on Medieval Studies
When |
May 06, 2004 12:00 AM
May 09, 2004 12:00 AM |
Where | Kalamazoo, MI |
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Session 408, Saturday, 10am, Sangren 2204
Medieval Sermon Studies I : From Exegesis to Preaching: the Fabulous, the Miraculous, and the Text
- C. Colt Anderson, A Flair for the Fabulous: Gregory the Great's Homily on Luke 15:1-10
- Eric Jay Del Giacco, Exegesis and Sermon: A Comparison of Bede's Commentary and Homilies on Luke
- Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Hildegard of Bingen's Expositiones on Jesus's Miracles
Business Meeting with Buffet Lunch, Saturday noon, Berhard Center 107
Session 470, Saturday, 1:30pm, Sangren 2204
Medieval Sermon Studies II : Crusade, Mission and Propaganda
- Donald Prudlo, Preaching the Preacher: The Construction of Peter of Verona's Cult in 13th Century Sermons
- James D. Ryan, Missionaries, Crusaders and Martyrs in Early Thirteenth Century Spain
- Jessalyn Bird, Missions to Muslims During the Fifth Crusade
Session 530, Saturday, 3:30pm, Sangren 2204
Medieval Sermon Studies III : Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sermons
- Kathryn Wymer, Heathen Men and Outlaws: Attitudes toward Criminal Behavior in Twelfth-Century English Preaching
- Yuichi Akae, The Mindset of the Fourteenth-Century Preachers: Composing Latin Sermons and Preaching in the Vernacular
- Peter V. Loewen, Musico-Rhetorical Methodology in Medieval German Franciscan Homiletics
- Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Sermons as Short Stories: The Genre as Literary Pattern
The Kalamazoo program and registration information are available at