50th International Congress on Medieval Studies

When May 14, 2015 07:00 AM to
May 17, 2015 12:00 PM
Where Kalamazoo, MI
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Meetings and Sessions of the IMSSS at Kalamazoo


Session 177, Valley II LeFevre Lounge, Friday 15 May, 10:00 a.m.

Medieval Sermon Studies I: Cistercian Preaching

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society 
Organizer: Holly Johnson, Mississippi State University
Presider: Ralf Lützelschwab, Freie Univ. Berlin
How to Rejoice in the Physical Departure of Christ: The Six Ascension Sermons of Bernard of Clairvaux

   Philip F. O’Mara, Bridgewater College

From Mud Bricks to Living Stones: Twelfth-Century Cistercian Exegeses of Ascension

   Timothy M. Baker, Harvard Divinity School

Continuities in Cistercian Formation: Twenty-First-Century Interrogations of Aelred’s Sermons for All Saints

   Cassian Russell, OCSO, Monastery of the Holy Spirit


Session 251, Schneider 1155, Friday 15 May, 1:30 p.m.

Medieval Sermon Studies II: Preaching and the Fourth Lateran Council

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society 
Organizer: Holly Johnson, Mississippi State University
Presider: Holly Johnson
The Concrete Impact of the Fourth Lateran Council upon Preaching: Some Careers and Works of Early Thirteenth-Century Preachers at the University and Beyond

     Alexis Charansonnet, Univ. Lumière Lyon 2

Selling Reform to Clerical Audiences Pre- and Post-Fourth Lateran (1215): The Role of the Sermon

     Jessalynn Bird, Independent Scholar

Preaching on the Periphery: Iceland in the Aftermath of Lateran IV

     Astrid Marner, Univ. i Bergen

Seven Words, Seven Sins: The Seven Deadly Sins in the English Wycliffite Sermons

     Jennifer Illig, Valparaiso Univ.


Session 307, Schneider 1160, Friday 15 May, 3:30 p.m.

Medieval Sermon Studies III: Preaching from the Carolingian Period to the Fifteenth Century 

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society 
Organizer: Holly Johnson, Mississippi State University
Presider: Ronald J. Stansbury, Robers Wesleyan College
Paul the Deacon’s Homiliary and Its Carolingian Witnesses

      Zachary Guiliano, St. John’s College, Univ. of Cambridge

Johannes Tauler: Sermons and the Cure of Souls

      Glenn E. Myers, Crown College

Sermon as a “Tale” of Power: Lenten Preaching of the Franciscan Marco from Sommariva del Bosco to the Princess Bona of Savoy-Achaia

      Laura Gaffuri, Univ. degli Studi di Torino

“Enter the City”: Crossing Linguistic Boundaries and Forming Social Bonds in a Fifteenth-Century Sermon

      Sarah W. Townsend, Univ. of Pennsylvania

Saturday, 16 May, 12:00 p.m. Bernhard Faculty Lounge

International Medieval Sermon Studies Society Business Meeting


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