56th International Congress on Medieval Studies
When |
May 10, 2021 09:00 AM
May 15, 2021 07:00 PM |
Where | Kalamazoo, MI |
Contact Name | Jesslynn Bird |
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Meetings and Sessions of the IMSSS at Kalamazoo
Thursday, 13 May, 1-2:30 p.m. EDT
International Medieval Sermon Studies Society Business Meeting
Session 290, Thursday, May 13, 3:00 p.m. EDT
Medieval Sermon Studies I: Medieval Sermons in the Modern Classroom (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Holly Catherine Johnson, Mississippi State Univ.
Presider: Holly Catherine Johnson
A roundtable discussion with Christine Cooper-Rompato, Utah State Univ.; Amity Reading, DePauw Univ.; Reid S. Weber, Univ. of Central Oklahoma; Jessalynn Lea Bird, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame; William H. Campbell, Univ. of Pittsburgh– Greensburg; and Beth Allison Barr, Baylor Univ.
Session 333, Friday, May 14, 9:00 a.m. EDT
Medieval Sermon Studies II: Preaching and the Crusades
Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Reid S. Weber, Univ. of Central Oklahoma
Presider: Reid S. Weber
Dialogic Crusading: Papal Crusade Letters and Surviving Crusade Sermons from Early Thirteenth-Century Paris
Jessalynn Lea Bird, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame
Turning Judas into Crusader: The Spectacular Preaching of John of Cantimpré
Luo Wang, Peking Univ.
Eudes of Châteauroux’s Preaching of the Crusades before, during, and after Louis IX’s First Crusade (ca. 1245–ca. 1268)
Alexis Charansonnet, Univ. Lumière Lyon 2
Failing at Failure and a Call for Crusade in Ubertino Posculo’s Constantinopolis
Bryan A. Whitchurch, Washington Latin School
Session 351, Friday, May 14, 1:00 p.m. EDT
Medieval Sermon Studies III: Preaching Gender
Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Holly Catherine Johnson, Mississippi State Univ.
Presider:Anne Thayer, Lancaster Theological Seminary
“Battle, Perilous and Frightening”: Learning Monastic Masculinity through Ex- perience in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Parables
Jacob W. Doss, Univ. of Texas–Austin
Mulieres Suspectae and Meretrices? The Portrayal of Women in Medieval Polish Preaching
Karolina Morawska, Univ. Warszawski
Women These Days: Qualifying Gender in Jacob’s Well, MS Salisbury Cathedral 103
Katherine Goodwin, Baylor Univ.
Preaching for Women? Female Patronage and Medieval English Sermons
Beth Allison Barr, Baylor Univ.
Session 366, Friday, May 14, 3:00 p.m. EDT
Medieval Sermon Studies IV: Index, Impact, and Interpretation
Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Holly Catherine Johnson, Mississippi State Univ.
Presider: Alberto Ferreiro, Seattle Pacific Univ.
Robert Rypon’s Second Sermon for Saint Oswald: Christ the Elephant with a Castle
Christine Cooper-Rompato, Utah State Univ.
Searching the Margins for Lions, Lilies, and Lust: The Use of Medieval Research Tools in Pastoral Manuscripts
Ariel Lee Brecht, Univ. of Saskatchewan
Mercantile Bargaining and Confessional Exchange in the Late Medieval Sermon Exempla Tradition
Nancy Haijing Jiang, Northwestern Univ.
Perspectives on the Medieval Franciscan Approach to Mary Magdalene: Preaching, Art, and the Vita Christi Tradition
Steven J. McMichael, Univ. of Saint Thomas
Session 442, Saturday, May 15, 3:00 p.m. EDT
The Preaching of Bishops and Secular Clergy
Sponsor: Episcopus: Society for the Study of Bishops and Secular Clergy in the Middle Ages; International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: William H. Campbell, Univ. of Pittsburgh–Greensburg
Presider: Evan Anslem Gatti, Elon Univ.
Dissemination of Knowledge through Pastoral Theology in the Carolingian Period (750–950 CE)
Michael Thomas Martin, Fort Lewis College
“Prelatus, more boni phisici, nunc purgat, nunc ungat”: An Episcopal Preacher’s Vademecum from Late Thirteenth-Century England
William H. Campbell
The Episcopal Household and Preaching in Thirteenth-Century England
Andrew Reeves, Middle Georgia State Univ.